VM  Comparator System
The VM 182 Comparator System from HEIDENHAIN serves for acceptance testing, inspection and calibration of machine tools and measuring equipment with traverse ranges up to 1520 mm in longitudinal direction and ± 1 mm in lateral direction. Machine tool builders and distributors can determine the linear and nonlinear error curves
as well as the reversal error of machine axes according to ISO 230-2. At the same time, it also measures guideway error perpendicular to the direction of axis traverse. The resulting error values can then be used in the subsequent electronics (display unit or control) for electronic error compensation. TNC contouring controls from HEIDENHAIN can download the error compensation values directly.


   VM 182
Measuring standard Two-coordinate DIADUR phase grating on steel
Signal period 4 µm in longitudinal and transverse directions
Coefficient of thermal expansion atherm= 10 ppm/K
Measuring lengths ML
Measuring range in transverse direction
420 mm, 520 mm, 1020 mm, 1220 mm, 1520 mm
± 1 mm
Reference mark At beginning of measuring length
Accuracy grade ± 1 µm in longitudinal direction
± 1.5 µm in transverse direction
Evaluation electronics (option) IK 220 counter card for PCs
Evaluation software (option) ACCOM for AT-compatible PCs
Recommended measuring steps 1 µm, 0.1 µm, 0.01 µm


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