ABOUT SineSet®:

Throughout this website you will see some part numbers with the suffix "S0", "S1" OR "S2". This indicates that these tools are part of the Suburban SineSet system. As part of the system, tools with the same suffix can be bolted together without the use of clamps and with little OR no indicating thus forming a different tool. An example of this system would be the SP-66-S1 sine plate and the MC-66-S1 magnetic chuck; separately they are a standard sine plate and a squaring chuck, bolted together they become a magnetic sine plate. In addition to the magnetic chucks there are angle plates, v-blocks, vises and indexers that will mount to the sine plates. Just match up the part number suffix to get the proper sine plate for the tools you need.



Automation and Metrology 130 Liberty Street Painesville, Ohio 44077
Phone:  (440) 354 6436  Fax:  (440) 639 9983
E-mail: sales@auto-met.com
